Asking clients for comments and testimonials is a smart way to generate referrals and new business

By Deborah Kearns

Above Magazine
Remax World

September 2015

Just ask Lucie Fortin. The Sales Associate with RE/MAX  in Repentigny, Quebec,… and it starts long before closing day.

“You have to offer clients stellar customer service and make the transaction a positive experience if you want positive feedback,” says Fortin, who joined RE/MAX in 2008. “I’m constantly looking for ways to improve myself, and the best way to do that is by asking clients to share what they think of my service and how I handled their transaction. It’s a way to be accountable and ensure that my clients are happy.”

Do you want to use client feedback to gain new business? Is it a way to gauge client satisfaction? Do you use it merely as a follow-up tool? All are valid purposes, but without creating a memorable, top-notch experience, clients are unlikely to sing your praises, Fortin says.“Many of us are very efficient at our jobs and are skilled at selling homes, but you have to add that magic ingredient – a human approach – to your interactions by empathizing and listening,” she says.


Although client testimonials are great for drumming up more business, they’re also an important evaluation of your performance – for better or worse. That’s why Fortin recommends emailing or calling all participants to thank them for their feedback and, if necessary, discuss any issues they might have had. “So far I haven’t had any negative comments, and I think that’s a strong testament to my work,” Fortin says. “It keeps me accountable.”

Lucie Fortin, a Sales Associate with RE/MAX  in Repentigny, Quebec, is a pro at gathering and using client testimonials to differentiate herself in a competitive market. She shares her best tips here.


1. Provide service worth writing about.
2. Make it easy to do.
3. Ask for grades and comments.
4. Build volume before you share.
5. Help people find the feedback.
6. Follow up and thank everyone.

Re/Max World Headquarter- Colorado USA

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